Most places we visit there are several opportunities to use the sun to make sure your photos look great.
It is better not to take any close up pictures, like selfies, with the sun in the background as then the camera either has to focus on you or the sun. Meaning that either the sun is a lot too bright or your face totally dark.
I know it can be highly annoying though to look into the bright and shining sun for several minutes. And then you will probably sneeze right in the second the photo is taken. One trick to avoid this is to position yourself, but look to the ground. The photographer counts until 3 and then you look up, smile and it is easy to take a perfect picture.
For pictures form further away it might even be wanted to make sure one only sees your silhouette rather than every detail. For these pictures the sun in the background is amazing. Especially in the evening or when the sun is setting you can play beautifully with the light in the background.
For this you might want to go and dig up your sporty side, like I did on my profile picture. An easy way to get sharp photos of a fast movement, like a turn or maybe even a cart wheel, is the burst shot option of your phone camera. On most phones you simply need to press the trigger button in your camera app for longer and your phone automatically takes a picture every millisecond.
However, it is not necessary to do any extraordinary things. Simply standing, or better walking slowly is enough, as you can see in the photo in this paragraph.
If you turn a little sidewards and take the picture form a diagonal angle, you can make sure to look a little thinner. Also having your feet in a step position or even crossed a little makes sure you look lively and not like you wouldn`t have any idea what to actually do when somebody takes a picture of you ;)
Also, try to vary your position to make sure you have as many satisfying pics as possible and ask the photographer to give you some feedback and tell you whether to change your hair a little, turn a bit or move your foot or arm a tiny bit.
Additionally you should let your photographer know to position in a way that your body is entirely in front of the setting sun and not only disappears in the dark ground. Mostly the photographer needs to squat or kneel down to make sure this is the case.